Still in time

Strolling in Krakow
As I wandered the enchanting streets of Krakow, a city steeped in history and artistic flair, stumbled upon a sight that instantly captured my attention. There, stood an intriguing figure, seemingly frozen in time. It was a man, nondescript at first glance, selling matches of all sizes and shapes.
Yet, what truly caught my eye was his appearance. With an extravagant hat, he defied the conventions of the everyday cracovian, and as he stood against the backdrop of a magnificent church, the scene was every aesthetic and pleasing.
Curiosity took hold of me, compelling me to capture this moment. I tried to discreetly seize the moment. However, my first attempts failed to materialize my envisioned image. It seemed that the manual lens, which usually allowed me to express view, had abandoned me at this crucial moment.
Patiently, I adjusted the composition, tinkering with the settings until I was satisfied. The final result, average at best, was to my satisfied moment, it became an indelible memory etched into my mind.

Ricardo Fernandez

Photographer based in Cairo, Egypt


The Resilient idea