Ricardo Fernandez Photo

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The Resilient idea

As a passionate photographer and an adopted New Yorker, I have always been intrigued by the unique energy and indomitable spirit of this bustling metropolis. The recent pandemic has tested the resilience of our beloved city, but amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there have been numerous expressions of courage, hope, and determination. With this in mind, I embarked on a project called "The Resilience", a mission to document the journey of New Yorkers following the pandemic. Through my lens, aimed to capture the essence of this city that has proven time and again its ability to rise above adversity and thrive. The images I have captured throughout this project are a testament to the unwavering spirit of the people who call New York home. From the healthcare workers courageously fighting on the front lines to the small business owners who refused to be defeated, every photograph tells a story of determination, unity, and unwavering resilience.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Wen Lee Ma for providing me with a 1949 5cm Summarit and the Barnack camera. These vintage tools have allowed me to capture not only the physical landscapes of the city, but also the character and soul of the individuals I have encountered along the way. With each click of the shutter, I feel a deep connection to the subjects I photograph, and I am able to convey their stories with authenticity and emotion. Additionally, I would like to extend a special thanks to Eddy Fontana and David Olano, whose invaluable assistance and guidance have played a significant role in bringing this project to fruition. Their support and expertise have allowed The Resilience to evolve into a comprehensive catalog of the expressions and experiences of New Yorkers during these challenging times.

Through The Resilience, I hope to not only contribute to the collective memory of this unprecedented period but also to inspire and uplift those who view these images. New York City is more than just buildings and streets; it is a living, breathing entity composed of the incredible people who call it home. Through their strength and resilience, we find hope and inspiration for a brighter future. As I continue to document the expressions of New Yorkers, acutely aware that this project is about more than just photography. It is a tribute to the city I adore, and a celebration of its people and its spirit. The images I capture are a reflection of the profound admiration and adoration I feel for this resilient.